Sometimes I come by my own blog just to have a look at the little "baby counter"...sometimes I laugh at how silly it seems to watch this animation that represents our little Bean bounce around. Is that morbid of me? Surely that isn't really how it's happening in the womb, right? At least there has to be a softer landing what is depicted in the pretend womb, right?? The poor little pretend baby is just getting smacked around over there! *sigh* Anyway :) We're scheduled to go back to the hospital for the "Big Revealing" ultrasound on April 8th...I can hardly wait!! I did get to hear the heartbeat at last month's midwife visit and little Bean was just a chugging along at 150 bpm...such a sweet sound to my ears!! Not feeling any movement yet, but from what I understand, it could be another couple of weeks before I do. I'm just beginning to show some too! I started out with a little bit of padding, so I think when I really start showing then I'll probably look a little farther along than I really am being as I am already carrying a little more weight out front. But I haven't gained more than a couple pounds just yet, which is good! I'm trying to eat healthy and enough, but I haven't just been gorging myself...the nausea to begin with helped that immensely! Oy!
And speaking of Spring...I finally got our seeds and chicks ordered! I'm hoping the seeds arrive any day now and the chicks should be here the second week in April. I'm super excited!! I haven't had much luck with starting seeds indoors before, so I'll be trying a different method this time and praying for the best! I still need to get out there and do some work on the chicken coop, once it dries up just a bit and the temps rise some...hopefully later this week. We didn't get the outcome we had hoped for with the dog situation...nothing more was done about it other than her paying a small fine and court restitution for the animals killed, nothing done about the dogs. So, we'll be stocking up on some ammo and taking care of it ourselves, if it comes down to that, which I'm afraid it will. Once a dog has the taste of chicken blood, they're ruined. Which is really sad, because I hate to put down any animal, especially when I know that it's someone's pet. But, if it has to be done, it has to be done. And, with our child on the way, I won't be risking any aggressive dog behavior as these have exhibited. Someone's pet is not worth that and we won't be made prisoners of our own home because of someone else's negligence. But, that's enough of that subject.
My heart has been heavy for Japan...I can't imagine what those people are going through...the devastation they have suffered. I know that's a country that is much more prepared for these sort of things than we are, but I don't know that anyone could prepare for something of that magnitude! And the nuclear risks now looming...please be in prayer for them. I know it's a world away, but when God's children hurt I believe He feels it, and I know there are many of His children over there. It's so hard to think of what might happen without warning...even so, Lord Jesus, come! Would you be ready to go if the earth opened up here or wherever you are? The Bible tells us that our lives are like a puff of smoke, a vapor, that vanishes...we truly are like the grass that is green one day and withered the next...where would you end up if it came time to go today? None of us knows when our name will be called, or the ones that we love; is your house in order? I pray that if you do not know that security and peace that ONLY having a relationship with Jesus Christ brings, that you would not wait until things got really bad...because it might be too late. Hard times are upon us, please don't wait until then to seek Him and rely upon Him. He is waiting for you to call upon Him, you don't have to be perfect to come to Him...He will take care of that Himself. You just have to cry out to Him. Won't you trust Him today?